ARI Orthopaedics 2024 Orthopaedic Infection
24th – 26th June 2024, Congress Center, Davos, Switzerland
Abstract submission
Oral Abstract Submission Deadline - CLOSED
Poster Abstract submission deadline May 31st, 2024
Each submission must be original work that has not been published
previously as a manuscript. The abstracts should be in English and
provide sufficient information to assess aims, methods, results
and impact of the investigation.
The complete abstract (maximum 1 page) should be e-mailed as an attachment to Email: ariorthoCHARACTER or click to email
Abstracts larger than 5MB in size will not be reviewed (images embedded in the abstracts
should be JPEG (.jpg) format and not TIFF).
Abstracts should be named with the presenting author e.g. RichardsRG_ARI2024.doc
Download the abstract
template (Word doc format 792 kB).
Abstract Publication
All abstracts presented in either poster or oral
format will be hosted in a special supplement of on the ARI Abstracts website. Upon submitting your abstract to ARI Orthopaedic conferences, you accept that all the abstracts will be published 2 weeks before the conference.
Failure to present an abstract (oral or poster) will also prevent
the hosting of the abstract and the authors will
not be able to present at future meetings (without a reasonable
explanation of failure to turn up).